Repercussão da morte de MCA, dos Beastie Boys

Repercussão da morte de MCA, dos Beastie Boys Foto: divulgação


* Cause you can’t, and you won’t and you don’t stop!

– Krist Novoselic ‏ @KristNovoselic
“Adam Yauch #RIPMCA. Thank you for Sabotage bass riff and many other great grooves. Adam also worked for justice and peace consciousness”

– Lance Armstrong ‏ @lancearmstrong
“Crushed to hear the news of Adam Yauch’s passing. #RIPMCA”

– Justin Timberlake ‏ @jtimberlake
“Crushed to hear the news of Adam Yauch’s passing. A true pioneer of art. My thoughts and prayers are with his family and loved ones. #RIPMCA”

– Chromeo ‏ @Chromeo
Devastating. #RIPMCA

– Chromeo ‏ @Chromeo
“The Beastie Boys basically invented the concept of the cool white person. #RIPMCA”

– Chemical Brothers @ChemBros
“RIP Adam Yauch. thanks for the amazing music,continual inspiration”

– Brother Ali ‏ @BrotherAli
“I’ve never met one person in the Hip Hop world who didn’t love and respect the shit out of The Beasties. #RIPMCA”

– Paulo Cesar Martin
“Que bosta gigante”

– Marcelo Orozco
“Merda das Grandes”

– Thiago Ney
“Puta que pariu”

– 石光史明 ‏ @visuaconexion
“世界中はおろか、東京のツイート・トレンドがほぼほぼビースティーなう。 #RIPMCA”

– Shitty Box Art John ‏ @Servbot42
“Someone legit cool died today. No wasp jokes, it’s just sad. The Beastie Boys rule, now and forever. #RIPMCA #RIPAdamYauch”

– MC HAMMER ‏ @MCHammer
“R.I.P. Adam Yauch Beastie Boys #RIPMCA”

– David Cobb ‏ @davecobb
“The Beasties sorta scared me at 16 but listening to PAUL’S BOUTIQUE later in life “unlocked hip-hop” for me #RIPMCA”

– Sub Pop Records ‏ @subpop

– Occupy Wall Street ‏ @OccupyWallSt
“#RIPMCA we #occupywallstreet coz it’s a sabotage #ows #occupy”

– BBC 6 Music ‏ @BBC6Music
“#RIPMCA RT @BBC6MusicNews: Very sad to report that the Beastie Boys’ Adam Yauch has passed away. Keep listening to 6 Music for tributeS”

– TACO BELL ‏ @TacoBell
“The Beastie Boys changed the game. Thanks for the memories. #RIPMCA”

– Pete Wentz – RE:PETE ‏ @petewentz
“beastie boys paved the way for so many who came after. #RIPMCA”

– A-Trak ‏ @atrak
“Paul’s Boutique is still my biggest influence in production, to this day. #RIPMCA”

– Tom Morello @tmorello
“Rip dear Adam Yauch. Words can’t express the sadness and loss. Ur humor, talent & gentle soul are just irreplacable. Be at peace brother”

– moby @thelittleidiot
“I’m very very sad to hear of adam yauch’s passing. He was a wonderful, generous, remarkable, and inspiring man and friend.”

– superchunk @superchunk
oh no. SAD RT @questlove Yauch is gone. fuck.

– Sean Ono Lennon @seanonolennon
“Adam Yauch Rest In Peace. I’ll miss you very very much”

“TERRIBLE NEWS: MCA of the Beastie Boys has died at 47.… Another very sad day in Hip Hop. #MCARIP”

– Donald Glover @DonaldGlover
“Adam Yauch was an amazing artist and one of the nicest people I’ve ever met. His music was some of my favorite. Truly saddened. RIP MCA.”

– boygeorge @BoyGeorge
“Such sad news about Beastie Boy Adam Yauch. A fellow Buddhist and part of hip hop history!! R.I.P!”


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Postado por Lucio Ribeiro   dia 04/05/2012
Circuito – anúncio quadrado interna
Terreno Estranho – horizontal fixo Mark Lanegan